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XV Indian-Russian Business Dialogue

December 11, 2024 | 09.00 - 18.00
RIA Novosti Press Center (Zubovsky Boulevard, 4)

XV Indian-Russian Business Dialogue

The purpose of the forum is to work closely together, build partnerships and explore ways of growth and mutual benefits between our two differences.

Date: December 11, 2024
Registration: 09:00 - 09:45
Time: 10.00 - 16.00
Address: RIA Novosti Press Center (Zubovsky Boulevard, 4)


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Plenary Session: Strengthening the Strategic Partnership Between India and Russia

Key Focus Areas:​

  • Strategic collaboration between India and Russia.

  • Addressing trade challenges and identifying new opportunities.

  • Infrastructure development and strengthening economic resilience.



Sammy Kotwani

Indian Business Alliance President

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Vinay Kumar

Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Russian Federation.

Cheremin Sergey Evgenievich

Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of External Economic and

International Relations of the City of Moscow

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Dmitry Valeryevich Volvach

Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

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Vladimir Mikhailovich Platonov

President of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

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Alexander Vasilyevich Murychev

Vice President for Financial Policy and Development of Economic Sectors, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)

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Alexander Leonidovich Rybas (Online)

Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in the Republic of India

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Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselev

General Director of the International News Agency "Russia Today".

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Nikolai Ilgizarovich Dunaev

Vice President of "OPORA RUSSIA"

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Andrey Yuryevich Belyaninov

 Secretary-General of the Assembly of the Peoples of Eurasia

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Alexey Alexandrovich Maslov

Director of the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University, Member of the Russian International Affairs Council

Kadet Alexandra Valerievna

International Tax Office, Head of Department

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Andrey Leonidovich Reut

First Deputy Director, Roscongress Foundation.

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Yulia Yuryevna Mikhaleva

Deputy Head of Roskachestvo.


Andrey Reut

Director for International Development, LLC RVB.

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Nikita Alexandrovich Zhvachkin

Director of the India branch of Sberbank in Mumbai.

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Bhanu Raj (Online)

 Director General of Pharmexcil

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Abhay Kumar Singh

Deputy of the Kursk City Assembly

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Barrientos Vicente

President of the BRICS Business Cooperation Center

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Oganesyan Armen Lentoshevich

Head of the Department of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Front Row

Kiselev Dmitry


General Director of the International Information Agency "Russia Today"

Alexander Yuryevich Stepanov

Deputy Head of the Department - Head of the Department of Interparliamentary Cooperation and Official Protocol of the Moscow City Duma Administration


Sergey Renatovich

Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the All-Russian public organization of small and

medium-sized businesses “OPORA RUSSIA”


Alexander Alexandrovich

Deputy Governor of the Krasnodar Territory

Snesar Vitaly Vladimirovich

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Altai Territory - Head of the Administration of

the Governor and Government of the Altai Territory

Muradov Georgy

Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea – Permanent

Representative of the Republic of Crimea to the President of the Russian Federation

Singh Abhay Kumar

Deputy of the Kursk City Assembly


Andrey Vladimirovich

Advisor to the Director Government Representative Offices Kaliningrad region To the Government of the Russian Federation

 Lobov Vadim Georgievich

President of Synergy Corporation

Nosov Ivan

Manager, Sberbank Branch India

Yurkov Dmitry Vasilievich

Representative of the Governor of the Arkhangelsk Region for Arctic Development

 Lebede Alexander


General Director of the TV channel and website “Big Asia”

Potemkin Vladimir Vasilievich

Deputy Governor, Head of the Representative Office of the Government of the Kaluga

Region under the Government of the Russian Federation

Plenary Session Sponsor


XV Indian-Russian Business Dialogue


Session 2 Sponsor 




Хирург-онколог; основатель, генеральный директор, Евразийская

федерация онкологии (ЕАФО); председатель совета директоров, Евразийский совет по

исследованию рака (ECRC)

 Черемин Сергей Евгеньевич

Министр правительства Москвы, руководитель Департамента внешнеэкономических и

международных связей города Москвы

Котвани Сэмми

Президент Индийского Бизнес-Альянса

 Галкин Дмитрий Сергеевич

Директор Департамента развития фармацевтической и медицинской

промышленности, Министерство промышленности и торговли Российской Федерации

Валиев Артур

Генеральный директор Сан Фарма Россия



Исполнительный вице-президент Микро Лабс Лимитед


Владимир Васильевич

Доктор медицинских наук, профессор, Компания Эсмар

Киш Леонид Карольевич

Директор ФГБУ «ВГНКИ»


Семен Федорович

Исполнительный директор Ассоциации ветеринарных

фармацевтических производителей (АВФарм)



Директор по нормативным вопросам индийского совета по содействию

экспорту фармацевтической продукции (PHARMEXCIL)



Генеральный директор и основатель группы компаний WELLGO



Основатель и генеральный директор Глобал Фарма

Кумар Дивеш

Генеральный директор ООО «Эникер Био Сайенс Рус»

Сачдева Рави

Соучредитель и генеральный директор ADT (Advanced Digital Technologies),

партнер Primo RPA Индия и советник АРПЭ, Россия


Coffee break


Contact us

Gostiny Dvor, Ilyanka street, 4, Moscow, 109012

The form has been submitted





Хирург-онколог; основатель, генеральный директор, Евразийская

федерация онкологии (ЕАФО); председатель совета директоров, Евразийский совет по

исследованию рака (ECRC)

 Черемин Сергей Евгеньевич

Министр правительства Москвы, руководитель Департамента внешнеэкономических и

международных связей города Москвы

Котвани Сэмми

Президент Индийского Бизнес-Альянса

 Галкин Дмитрий Сергеевич

Директор Департамента развития фармацевтической и медицинской

промышленности, Министерство промышленности и торговли Российской Федерации

Валиев Артур

Генеральный директор Сан Фарма Россия



Исполнительный вице-президент Микро Лабс Лимитед


Владимир Васильевич

Доктор медицинских наук, профессор, Компания Эсмар

Киш Леонид Карольевич

Директор ФГБУ «ВГНКИ»


Семен Федорович

Исполнительный директор Ассоциации ветеринарных

фармацевтических производителей (АВФарм)



Директор по нормативным вопросам индийского совета по содействию

экспорту фармацевтической продукции (PHARMEXCIL)



Генеральный директор и основатель группы компаний WELLGO



Основатель и генеральный директор Глобал Фарма

Кумар Дивеш

Генеральный директор ООО «Эникер Био Сайенс Рус»

Сачдева Рави

Соучредитель и генеральный директор ADT (Advanced Digital Technologies),

партнер Primo RPA Индия и советник АРПЭ, Россия


Lunch & В2В.



Session 1: Connectivity, Banking, Finance, Logistics, and Agri-Business

Key Focus Areas:

  • Expanding transportation links via maritime, rail, and air logistics.

  • Innovations in banking, finance, and cross-border trade.

  • Transforming supply chain management

  • Collaboration in agriculture, food processing, and trade logistics.


Session 1 PARTNER

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Session 1 SPONSOR

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Roman Andreevich Telkov

Communications Director, Big Asia LLC.

Vitaly Igorevich Barkov

Representative Director, DCL Group

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Ivan Alexandrovich Baranov

Managing Director, Sberbank Business Development

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Ramaz Otariyevich Chanturiya

General Director, RosTeaCoffee Association


Alexey Alexandrovich Kravchenko

Commercial Director of FIT LLC (part of the Fesco transport company)

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Dmitry Vladimirovich Nazarov

Manager, Bellerage

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Lidiya Alexandrovna Gorshkova

Head of Banking and Financial Practice, Pepeliaev Group

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Aravamuthan Chakrapani

Vice President of IBA and Director, Solar Express

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Marat Ruslanovich Zembatov

Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Higher School of Economics

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Irina Zotovna Yarygina

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of "Economics and Banking Business," MGIMO University under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

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Kirill Gennadievich Tyulenev

Managing Director, LLC "Formag Liner."




Session 2: Innovations in Healthcare, Biotechnology, Technology, and Education

Key Focus Areas:

  • Breakthroughs in healthcare, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals.

  • Opportunities for technology-driven solutions in healthcare, education, and industry.

  • Collaborative research and development for innovative solutions.

  • Development of educational programs and knowledge exchange to prepare talent for advanced industries.


Session 2 Sponsor 




Surgeon, oncologist, plastic surgeon, Founder and

Director of the Eurasian Federation of Oncology (EAFO)

Valiev Artur

General Director of San Pharma Russia

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Vitaly Andreevich Stepanov

General Director, Moscow Export Center

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Vsevolod Valeryevich Tyupa

Partner, Head of the Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Practice at Seamless Legal

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Natalya Anatolyevna Totakheva

Lawyer and Advisor at the law firm Lidings

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Atul Khurana

 Director, Mashtech Pharm (Topic: Localization of Pharmaceutical Production in Russia)

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Margarita Vitalyevna Kellerman

General Director, Osteo-Cyber LLC

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Victoria Antonovna Andreeva

Head of the Department of Medical Laser Systems NTO "IRE-Polus"

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Anastasia Sergeevna Stolkova

Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation's Commission on Healthcare; Director, RK-Medicine Foundation

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Inna Moroz (Online)

Head of Export Projects, Department of International Relations, Skolkovo Foundation

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John Rollins (Online)

Director, Pharmexcil

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Anastasia Shanshina

Director of the Department of International Business at Synergy University


Shcherbakova Victoria Sergeevna

Director of Medical Research PROMOMED



Session 3: Advancing Trade, Investments, Workforce, and Manufacturing Excellence

Key Focus Areas:

  • Enhancing trade and investment flows in energy and infrastructure development.

  • Workforce development to support bilateral industrial growth.

  • Strengthening industrial collaboration for economic resilience and innovation.

  • Opportunities in advanced manufacturing, defense production, and industrial innovation.


Session 3 Sponsor 

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Gopal Rajagopalan

Director, RUSFOR (S) PTE LTD

Alexey Yuryevich Sapozhnikov

Managing partner, Sapozhnikov & Partners 

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Pravin Suklal Rayagade

General Director, Infra Del Projects Rus

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Alexander Yuryevich Knobel

Director, Institute of International Economics and Finance, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

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Vladimir Lvovich Goncharevich

Deputy Managing Director of Ozon

Jethalia Vishal

Partner, OOO “ BRIS

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Victor Alexandrovich Machekhin

Head, Center for Indian Law, Moscow State Law Academy

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Devesen Nair

General Director, RUSROYAL

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Ankur Goel

Partner, Skwerup Capital Partners


Abhijit Raja Patil

Chairman Raja Rani Travels and Globe Hoppers

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Dmitry Georgievich Zavgorodniy

General Director of ITE

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Oleg Gennadievich Mansurov

General Director, SR Space

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Sergey Feliksovich Sanakoyev

President, Center for Asia-Pacific Studies (ANO)

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Barrientos Vicente

President of the BRICS Business Cooperation Center

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